Training Future Leaders to Address Mental Health and Substance Use Issues in Older Adults—The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program

The Health and Aging Policy Fellows (HAPF) Program aims to create a cadre of leaders to serve as “change agents” in health and aging policy. HAP Fellows come from a wide range of disciplines, backgrounds, and career stages. The cornerstone of the one-year fellowship is a placement with federal, state, or international agencies, congressional offices, consumer advocacy organizations, and think tanks, depending upon the Fellow’s interests.

Key Words:

Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program, HAPF, mental health, substance use

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimates that nearly 1 million adults ages 65 and older in 2018 met criteria for a substance use disorder (SUD) (SAMSHA, 2018). Currently, the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and SUDs among older adults is unknown. However, it is clear that older adults are at significantly greater risk for serious illness and increased mortality as a result of COVID-19.

Older adults experience a range of stressors associated with major life transitions, including loss of loved ones, retirement, change in income, changes in living circumstances, and increased care needs. COVID-19 has added a further layer of social isolation for many older adults. For some of those older adults, addressing those stressors means drinking more alcohol or using other drugs.

Addressing the myriad consequences of the pandemic will require a multipronged and long-term approach. Research shows that older patients with diagnosed SUDs have better results with longer durations of care. Effective models of care for older adults with SUDs require careful assessment and comprehensive management of other chronic conditions with SUDs. Enhancing social supports, improving access to medical services, and tailoring care management are critical priorities for this patient group.

Given the particular needs of older adults, it is necessary to train care providers in evidence-based strategies that support health and recovery for this age group (Lehmann and Fingerhood, 2018). While some of these components can be addressed and implemented at the practice level, others, such as increasing access to clinical services or developing community support networks, point to more complex and systemic issues, which will require broader policy interventions at the federal, state, and local levels.

The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program: Our Fellows

Established in 2008 and funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies, and the West Health Policy Center, the Health and Aging Policy Fellows (HAPF) Program aims to create a cadre of leaders to serve as “change agents” in health and aging policy. The Program recognizes that protecting and promoting health depends upon policies that extend beyond healthcare. Thus, HAP Fellows engage in policy work across a broad spectrum of fields, from elder abuse to community gardens to improving access to care for SUDs. The common driving force is to contribute to policies that have the potential to improve the health and well-being of older adults.

HAP Fellows come from a wide range of disciplines, backgrounds, and career stages. Thirty-two of our 153 Fellows from diverse cohorts and disciplines have come to the fellowship with a strong background or interest in behavioral health practice, policy research, and advocacy. Notably, three of our former Fellows (Madeline Naegle, Pamela Cacchione, and Arlene Bierman) have contributed to this issue, shedding light on behavioral health issues of older Americans.