Uf wec graduate admissions letters of recommendation when to submit
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Grad School Application Checklist and Timeline
Grad School Application Checklist/Timeline
This suggested timeline is for students planning to attend graduate school immediately after earning a bachelor’s degree and can be easily adjusted for students planning a post-baccalaureate or gap-year experience or for master’s students applying for doctoral programs. Note that this is a suggested timeline and may not apply to all programs, i.e., medical school or physical therapy school. Use this as a guide to keep you on track but remember to follow up with each program individually for specifics.
Winter/Spring - Junior Year
- Meet with career/academic advisors and professors to discuss your interest in graduate study
- Begin researching institutions/programs and visiting for campus tours
- Gradschools.com, petersons.com, thegradcafe.com, professors/advisors
- Attend graduate school fairs (The Career Connections Center hosts one each October)
- Draft the beginnings of your personal statement
- Write a resume/CV and have it reviewed in the Career Connections Center
- Identify individuals for letters of recommendation and continue to develop these relationships
- Gain experiences needed to diversify your application
- Part-time work, club involvement, volunteer service, research
- Register and take appropriate standardized exams (there are many – see what is appropriate for your industry)
- The GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) has a general test component, which is most often required for graduate admission, as well as several GRE Subject Tests that focus on a specific field of study.
- Free GRE preparation materials may be found on the official GRE Web page and also at www.Number2.com and www.varsitytutors.com/practice-tests.
- The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing System), and PTE (Pearson Test of English) are common English proficiency tests.
- Take practice exams if desired
- Kaptest.com, Princetonreview.com
- Register with appropriate application systems
- Sometimes you have to apply to both the university’s graduate school in addition to a specific program
- Complete and submit medical school applications – this process is earlier than other graduate school applications
Summer – After Junior Year
- Continue to research/visit schools
- Network with professors to discuss overlapping research interests and how your skills might contribute
- Work on your personal statement
- Visit the Career Connections Center and Writing Center for review
- Ask individuals for letters of recommendation
- Provide your resume and other helpful documents to assist them with your letter
- Continue to gain experiences needed to diversify your application
- Make a checklist of requirements and schedule for each application
Fall/Winter – Senior Year
- Register and take appropriate standardized exams
- Request copies of official transcript from Registrar’s office
- See application guidelines for how to submit (with application or sent separately)
- Finish personal statement
- Collect letters of recommendation
- Attend appropriate graduate school information sessions/events
- Apply for scholarships and awards
- Complete applications and submit
- Preferably in advance before deadlines/rolling deadlines
- Be sure to be intentional and strategic when applying – it is beneficial to apply to more than one program to greater the chances of acceptance
- Submit financial aid applications
Spring – Senior Year
- Interview with institutions that require an interview for program admittance/assistantships
- Engage with institutions that accept you (campus tours, virtual tours)
- Contact/talk to students currently enrolled in the program to gain more information
- Complete FAFSA
- Consider what will be best for you (scholarship, assistantships, student loans)
- Submit tuition/housing deposits upon acceptance
- Notify other institutions that accepted you so they may admit students on their waitlist
- Send thank you notes to those who wrote your letters of recommendation, and inform them of your success